We’re looking for commentary on the best flowers for your home and the plant and flower design trends you should incorporate into your home decor! All comments are welcome and very much appreciated!

However, something you might want to focus on in your response includes the following:

  • What are the benefits of having flowers in your home?
  • What is the best way to incorporate flowers into your home? Where can they be placed?
  • What flower design trends should you be incorporating into your home decor?
  • What plant and flower color schemes should you incorporate?
  • How can botanical art influence the mood of your home?
  • How should you care for flowers in your home?
  • Should you choose natural or artificial flowers for your home?

Comments aren’t restricted to the above points; they need to relate to the subject of office plants and the health benefits of plants. I can’t wait to hear what you have to say! All comments will be attributed using the name, occupation, and website URL. Please include these in your response.
