by florist | Jul 28, 2019 | Tips
Many times we do not choose to surprise with a bouquet of roses as it seems a very ephemeral gift. A few days and the flowers begin to wilt soon. What was once a beautiful bouquet, in a few days we have to throw it away. However, there are conservation techniques for...
by florist | Jul 10, 2019 | Tips
We’re looking for commentary on the best flowers for your home and the plant and flower design trends you should incorporate into your home decor! All comments are welcome and very much appreciated! However, something you might want to focus on in your response...
by florist | May 2, 2019 | Tips
How to dehydrate flowers at home is must be learnt if anyone wants to decorate their environment with style and practicality. According to the report by Pinterest, plants, flowers and sustainability are three of the main trends of decoration 2019. Therefore, it is...
by florist | Mar 10, 2019 | Tips
All our cut flower bouquets are transported in water, ensuring that they are as fresh as they can be when they arrive at their destination. By using these straightforward care guidelines you’ll help your flowers to last longer and bloom brilliantly. This is what you...